Three new paintings on copper by Victor Wolfvoet with Peace and War under the guidance of Rubens


  • Matías Díaz Padrón



Antwerp School, Allegory of Good Government, Minerva, Ceres, Hercules, Mars


Three more works on copper are added to the until-now little known production of the last Rubens disciple. They have been identified on the basis of style united with their content and propagandistic intent against the war devastating Europe. Rubens seeks reconciliation and peace, and his disciple Victor Wolfvoet contributes to the spread of these ideals.


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How to Cite

Díaz Padrón, M. (2012). Three new paintings on copper by Victor Wolfvoet with Peace and War under the guidance of Rubens. Archivo Español De Arte, 85(337), 88–94.



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