Art photographs from the Manassé studio in the Crónica magazine during the Second Spanish Republic




Nude photographs, Artistic Photography, Manassé, Olga Spolarich, Adorján von Wlassics, Crónica magazine, Second Spanish Republic


Ever since its official presentation in 1839, Photography has played an informative role in the press. However, by the beginning of the 20th century, the periodic publications dedicated to artistic photography initiated a new promotional channel for pictures taken during the first third of this century and published the work of the most prestigious photographers. Among these publications, the Crónica magazine served as a model, by publishing during the Second Republic (1931-1936) an extraordinary collection of artistic photographs, that are the central theme studied in this article, the work of Olga Spolarich and Adorján von Wlassics, the founders of the Manassé studio in Vienna. In this study, a total of 263 pictures, dated between the two World Wars, were recovered and analyzed, whose artistic inspiration reflects the influence of the avant-garde movements.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Vigil, J. M., & Salvador Benítez, A. (2023). Art photographs from the Manassé studio in the Crónica magazine during the Second Spanish Republic. Archivo Español De Arte, 96(383), 275–296.




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