New data concerning two tapestry series from the workshop of Gerard Peemans: History of Titus & Vespasian and The Months


  • Margarita García Calvo



Gerard Peemans, Tapestries, Brussels, Fernando de Aragón, Juan Bautista Ysendoren, Charles Poerson, David Teniers III


The author presents new documentation that expands the information concerning two tapestry series woven in one of the most important Brussels workshops, that of Gerard Peemans: the History of Titus & Vespasian and The Months, of which there are practically unknown examples in the Museo del Prado and Banco de España (Madrid), respectively.


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How to Cite

García Calvo, M. (2014). New data concerning two tapestry series from the workshop of Gerard Peemans: History of Titus & Vespasian and The Months. Archivo Español De Arte, 87(345), 75–87.



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