Eusebio Lucini, stage designer of the ballets performed at the Circo theatre of Madrid in the 1840s




Eusebio Lucini, ballet scenography, scenography in Spain XIX century, Circo Theatre of Madrid, romantic ballet, Marius Petipa


During the 1840s, Eusebio Lucini played an outstanding role as set designer and machinery director at the Circo Theatre in Madrid, where he created the sets for the ballets and operas performed there. Unfortunately, none of his sets has survived, with the exception of small engravings published in the press. The little that we know of his works is thanks to the descriptions published in the press of the time. This journey around the little known ballet´s production developed by Lucini, aims to make visible and value his great artistic activity, in addition to verifying that the Circo Theatre programmed, in that moment, the same ballet repertoire as the most important theatres in Europe, also in terms of stage productions.


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How to Cite

Hormigón, L. (2020). Eusebio Lucini, stage designer of the ballets performed at the Circo theatre of Madrid in the 1840s. Archivo Español De Arte, 93(372), 375–390.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers PGC2018 093710 A I00