Front and lateral panels of the altar of Saint Christopher of Toses: confirmation of this Gothic ensemble through analysing the support




Gothic, Master of Soriguerola, altar frontal, side panel, wooden support system


New data obtained from the study of the wooden support system of the Saint Cristobal altar frontal and the Toses altar side panels, both at the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC) but exhibited separately –confirm that originally they were part of the same ensemble that adorned the main altar in the church of St. Cristobal de Toses (Ripollès, Catalonia). Despite having the same provenance, the possibility of displaying these paintings together has been historically controversial because of the evident difference in quality between the painting from the altar frontal and the side panels. The confirmation that these paintings in effect are all part of the same ensemble is very relevant, since this is the only group known at present of an altar frontal and its original side panels dating from the lineal-Catalan-Gothic period.


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How to Cite

Bautista Morenilla, I., & Nualart Torroja, A. (2017). Front and lateral panels of the altar of Saint Christopher of Toses: confirmation of this Gothic ensemble through analysing the support. Archivo Español De Arte, 90(359), 301–310.



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