The intelectual network of In Ezechielem Explanationes. Roman correspondence of Villalpando and other documents




Juan Bautista Villalpando, architecture and biblical scholarship, Temple of Jerusalem, Jesuit art, Republic of letters


The Historical Archive of the Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome) holds an important collection of documents pertaining to the long residency of the architect-mathematician Fr. Juan Bautista Villalpando, SJ at the Roman College of the Jesuits (1590-1608). The archive also holds the draft of the commentary to Ezekiel and the restitution of the Temple of Jerusalem in Villalpando’s In Ezechielem explanationes. This article analyzes the correspondence sent by European scholars to Villalpando together with an illustrated manuscript of his authorship as key aspects of the preparation of the architectural and graphic aspects of his editorial project.


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How to Cite

Rueda Galán, L. . (2023). The intelectual network of In Ezechielem Explanationes. Roman correspondence of Villalpando and other documents. Archivo Español De Arte, 96(381), 1–20.


