An Engraving by Guillaume Anabat and the Iconography of The Descent of the Holy Spirit by Juan de Flandes




Juan de Flandes, Pentecost, Sander Bening, Simon Bening, Guillaume Anabat


This paper brings to light the use of an engraving by Guillaume Anabat for The Descent of the Holy Spirit by Juan de Flandes in comparison with the use of a miniature by Sander Bening for a panel of the same subject in the Polyptych of Isabella I, which gives rise to some questions on the artist’s training.


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How to Cite

Dennis, W. (2020). An Engraving by Guillaume Anabat and the Iconography of The Descent of the Holy Spirit by Juan de Flandes. Archivo Español De Arte, 93(370), 147–152.



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