
Archivo Español de Arte is covered by Web of Science: Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) and Current Contents - Arts & Humanities; SCOPUS, CWTS Leiden Ranking (Journal indicators), Art Abstracts (AA), Art Index (AI), Francis, Handbook of Latin American Studies (HLAS), International Bibliography of Art, Periodicals Index online (PIO), Historical Abstracts (HA), MLA International Bibliography, The Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA), REDIB, Dialnet, Sherpa Romeo and ÍnDICEs CSIC.

Systems for evaluation and categorization of journals: CARHUS Plus+: Categoría A; CIRC: Grupo A Ciencias Humanas; DOAJ; ERIH Plus; MIAR: ICDS 11 and SJR.

It is indexed in Latindex Catalogue 2.0 and has obtained the FECYT Seal of Quality.