Cover design

The journal, from the beginning to the present day, has had four main cover designs. The first one, with which it was born in 1925 as Archivo Español de Arte y Arqueología, within the Centro de Estudios Históricos (CEH) of the Junta para Ampliación de Estudios (JAE), is attributed to the versatile researcher, poet and painter José Moreno Villa, who worked at the CEH from 1911 to 1921 together with Manuel Gómez-Moreno, drawing the ornamental elements of the Mozarabic codices, on which the design is based, accompanied by a typography that imitates medieval handwriting.

No. 1, 1925


No. 37, 1937


Second design, simpler than the first one, inaugurates a new stage in 1940 (no. 40). Since then, it has been used solely as the Archivo Español de Arte, now within the new Instituto Diego Velázquez of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). The cover design will be summarized in a simple and naked typography in black and blue inks (green since the fifties) on a white background.

No. 40, 1940


No. 293, 2001


The third design, from 2002 (no. 297), recovered the primitive one of 1925 with the image of the Mozarabic ornamental arch and its medieval letters, but maintaining, on a white background, the later black and green colors for the typography and the arch and marking the affiliation to the Departamento de Historia del Arte "Diego Velázquez" of the Instituto de Historia, CSIC.

No. 297, 2002


No. 309, 2005


The fourth and last design is released in 2006. In addition to seeking unity with all the scientific journals of the CSIC, in the case of Archivo Español de Arte it will maintain, on a partly white and green background, a detail of the upper part of the aforementioned Mozarabic ornamental arch.

No. 313, 2006


We are grateful to the Tomás Navarro Tomás Library of the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales CCHS-CSIC and to the Centro de Documentación de la Residencia de Estudiantes for their collaboration in obtaining some of these images.