Art at the crossroads. The reception of the work of the Greek painter Dimitri Perdikidis (1922-1989) in Spain




Perdikidis, painting, Greece, Spain, critical reception, 20th century


In the context of contemporary art of the second half of the 20th century, the mechanisms of assimilation and reception of the work of the artists who lived permanently or for long periods abroad are essential. Of special interest is the case of Greek artists and specifically the painter Dimitri Perdikidis (1922-1989), who lived in Madrid from 1953 to 1985. This article focuses on the analysis of some aspects of the process of integration of his work in the Spanish artistic context, taking into consideration its critical reception.


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How to Cite

Fernández Belmonte, M. (2017). Art at the crossroads. The reception of the work of the Greek painter Dimitri Perdikidis (1922-1989) in Spain. Archivo Español De Arte, 90(358), 171–182.


