The origin of Pedro I’s palace in the Alcázar of Seville: the so-called balcony of the Catholic Kings


  • Sebastián Fernández Aguilera Ldo. en Geografía e Historia



Mudéjar, balcony, Pedro I, Catholic Kings, Alfonso XI, Seville, Palace


This study originated with the search for the possible initial site of the main door of the Old Chapel, which, following its restoration and study, turned out to be older than the rest of the Mudéjar palace of King Pedro I (Seville, 1365). During this investigation, and based on recent studies carried out as the result of several previous restorations, the author realized that this door was not relocated from another place. It had formed part of the earlier Gothic palace to which the construction of Pedro I’s palace was attached at this juncture, with several rooms from basement to upper balcony predating the Mudéjar building, thereby concluding that it must have been the work of his father, King Alfonso XI.


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How to Cite

Fernández Aguilera, S. (2015). The origin of Pedro I’s palace in the Alcázar of Seville: the so-called balcony of the Catholic Kings. Archivo Español De Arte, 88(352), 331–348.


