Sibyls in Europe and America: repercussions of the Sibyllarum Icones by Crispijn de Passe in the 17th and 18th centuries


  • Agustina Rodríguez Romero Centro de Investigación sobre Arte, Materia y Cultura, IIAC, UNTREF
  • Almerindo Ojeda University of California at Davis y PESSCA



Crispijn de Passe, Jacques Granthomme, Pedro Sandoval, engravings, paintings, sibylline iconography


Prints published in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Flanders were reworked throughout Europe many times over. This paper is a study of the complex network of republishing and new productions of one such set of prints: the Sibyllarum icones elegantissimi, engraved by Crispijn de Passe in 1601. As a result of this research, the authors propose new engraved sources for three well-known derivatives of this series: the paintings of Philippe de Champaigne in the Luxembourg Palace in Paris; the woodcuts published in Spain by Baltasar Porreño; and the paintings in the Palacio de Autonomía in Mexico City by Pedro Sandoval. All three can be traced to Jacques Granthomme, working in Paris c.1609.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Romero, A., & Ojeda, A. (2015). Sibyls in Europe and America: repercussions of the Sibyllarum Icones by Crispijn de Passe in the 17th and 18th centuries. Archivo Español De Arte, 88(351), 263–280.


