Medieval proportion in the design and construction of Tortosa Cathedral


  • Josep Lluis i Ginovart Universitat Rovira i Virgili



Cathedral, Medieval geometry, Medieval design, Tortosa Cathedral


Gothic construction is subject to magíster operis knowledge, conditioned in the context of the cathedrals by the Chapter. The apse of Tortosa Cathedral is a testing ground, and in this context the Guarc trace (c.1345-1380) appears. Analysis of this parchment reveals the design method used for the apse, with the figure heptagon, and the dome, with an octagon. Review of the codices ACTo 80 and ACTo 236 with the works of Calcidius, Capella and Macrobius, reveals the theory behind the numerical proportionality known by the Canons.


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How to Cite

Lluis i Ginovart, J. (2014). Medieval proportion in the design and construction of Tortosa Cathedral. Archivo Español De Arte, 87(348), 321–334.


