New forms of queer mourning. The Touching Community project by Aimar Pérez Galí.




grief, queer, dance, AIDS, Aimar Pérez Galí, contact improvisation


The following article presents the project The Touching Community (2015-2022) of the dancer, choreographer and pedagogue Aimar Pérez Galí as a paradigmatic example of the politicization of queer mourning that authors such as Sarah Ahmed and Judith Butler have conveyed. The multiple materializations of this performative project are delved into with the intention of studying the potential of a collective dance project to develop new and necessary forms of mourning and commemoration as queer mourning policies. Using Pérez Galí’s research, which connects the consequences of the AIDS crisis in the field of dance in Spanish speaking countries with contemporary queer mourning theory, will help us to access embodied mourning technologies as a demand for the dignification of abject lives, as well as the political powers to propose a new common body ontology based on vulnerability.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Tur, V., & López del Rincón, D. (2023). New forms of queer mourning. The Touching Community project by Aimar Pérez Galí. Archivo Español De Arte, 96(383), 309–324.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers PID2020-120564GA-I00

Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Grant numbers PID2020-120564GA-I00