José Villegas Cordero (1844-1921) and the United States: portraits, murals, and a travel book




José Villegas Cordero, Maud Howe and John Elliott, Isabel and Larz Anderson, 19th and 20th centuries, murals, portraits, travel books


This paper examines José Villegas Cordero and his relationship with a circle of friends from the United States. Villegas served as both teacher and friend to John Elliott, who he guided in his art. Maud Howe, Elliott’s wife, discussed Villegas’s work as a painter and director of the Prado Museum in several of her literary texts, among them her travel book Sun and Shadow in Spain (1908). Villegas was also connected to Isabel and Larz Anderson, likewise friends of the Elliotts, who acquired and promoted his paintings. The study of these friendships, which spanned almost four decades, provides new insight into Villegas and his work.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Mellado, V. ., & Boone, M. E. . (2022). José Villegas Cordero (1844-1921) and the United States: portraits, murals, and a travel book. Archivo Español De Arte, 95(380), 419–436.


